Scandal removed Flynn from his job almost overnight, but Pottinger stayed, serving five subsequent national-security chiefs. When Trump named Flynn his national-security adviser, Flynn chose Pottinger as the Asia director. In Afghanistan, he co-wrote an influential paper with Lieutenant General Michael Flynn on improving military intelligence. He left journalism at the age of thirty-two and joined the Marines, a decision that confounded everyone who knew him. Fluent in Mandarin, he spent seven years in China, reporting for Reuters and the Wall Street Journal. He is one of the few survivors of Donald Trump’s White House, perhaps because he is hard to categorize. We didn’t appreciate that until late February.” The first mistake had been made, and the second was soon to happen. “You’re going to be missing fifty per cent of the cases. “That whole idea that you were going to diagnose cases based on symptoms, isolate them, and contact-trace around them was not going to work,” Redfield told me recently. The virus in Wuhan turned out to be far more infectious, and it spread largely by asymptomatic transmission.

The new pathogen was a coronavirus, and as such it was thought to be only modestly contagious, like its cousin the SARS virus. specialists visited China in early January, they would have learned exactly what the world was facing. Certainly, Redfield didn’t know that the virus was already present in California, Oregon, and Washington, and would be spreading in Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Iowa, Connecticut, Michigan, and Rhode Island within the next two weeks-well before America’s first official case was detected. Perhaps Gao had just been made aware that the virus had been circulating in China at least since November. Awards Ģ005 - Romance Writers of America.Lawrence Wright on how the pandemic response went wrong. Linda and her husband live in a big house on a farm in Alabama, where they raise cattle and have two dogs. Her husband is a professional bass tournament fisherman, and she travels with him to some very unglamorous locations where she works on her laptop. She served as Region 3 Director (until 31 October 2008). She is a charter member of Romance Writers of America, joining in 1981 shortly after it was formed. Her first work was published by Silhouette in 1982.

She has three grown stepchildren and three grandchildren. She currently lives in Gadsden, Alabama with her husband, Gary F. After 21 years of penning stories for her own enjoyment, she submitted a novel for publication which was very successful. Howington, and then decided to try to get her work published in 1980. She worked at a trucking company where she met her husband, Gary F. She began to write at nine years old, and wrote for twenty years for her own enjoyment.